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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Sosnowcu

Hey, I'm Zyzio and I'm a very sensitive dog. He came to the Sosnowiec hostel along with several other dogs after a loud intervention in Radysy Shelter. My companions are already in their homes, unfortunately I, the most withdrawn, am still trying to convince myself to man. I make progress, but on my terms and at my own pace. I need a lot of patience, mindfulness and perseverance. In the moments when I open and forget that "you have to" be afraid I can wag with my tail and bucking, all Pychol smiles. I am looking for a guardian who understands my needs, devotes my time to me, will be ready to use the support of the behaviorist. Experience in dealing with fearful dogs will certainly be very helpful. The support for me could be a calm and balanced dog, which from a dog perspective would show me the surrounding world.

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